Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Reflection

This blog has been very interesting and something new for me to learn how to do. I have really enjoyed it and wish I wasn't so busy so that I could put more effort into it. I know that I could have tried harder and done more. I think that I will use this approach in the future for my own class. I think this would be a great way to keep up with parents and students and allow me to interact with them. This would also serve as another form of communication.

It's a Jungle in Here!

At Hermitage, we are well-known for our FFA program. Our forestry and livestock teams have won at the National level. My nieces both participate in these programs and it is an extremely big part of our school. Here are some pictures of what FFA is all about!

Fall Festival

Here are some pictures from the Fall Festival we had at school. I did not take any so I had to get the Yearbook/Journalism teacher to let me borrow some. It helps that she is my sister-in-law. Ha!

There was a dunking booth, horse rides, basketball shoot, cake walk, dart booth(my 8th grade class booth) and many more. The 8th grade class raised $120.00 which was all profit. I was very excited!

Bud Not Buddy

Bud Not Buddy, is a book that I read for my book talk in college. I chose this book because the 7th graders at my school are actually reading it. I wanted to read something on their level and that I could relate to them about. I really enjoyed this book about a young boy who is an orphan but goes on a search for his father after his mother dies. I recommend this book to anyone. It is a heart warming story with a good ending.


November was a fun but trying month. I have been super stressed out with home, work, college, etc. All of this and I have also been trying to take care of my family and my son and I have had severe sinus infections. So with that being said, I am glad to have a break over Thanksgiving. It has been so long since I have done anything for me. I was able to relax and actually read a book. I finished reading Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Series, which I love. It is a great book and a great series. It is also something that my 7th and 8th graders are reading so it gives me something to relate to them about. I think my students enjoy me being able to talk to them and get on their level.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, October was a great month. At school, we had great homecoming festivities and for had a fun Fall Festival at school. I enjoy getting to do fun activities with my students and learning their personalities better. I have also gotten a lot closer with the parents which is a huge advantage. Parents definitly hold leverage with the students and it is always good to have supportive parents that will help out no matter what. I am also gaining more confidence in my teaching abilities. My lessons are going smoothly and my students seem to be responding well and actually learning something. Imagine that! Students actually learning something at school! Shocker, I know!

Now on to November, I have already had my first observation from my mentor teacher, now I am preparing for my oberservation from the UAM observer. I am a little nervous but excited to see how she thinks that I am doing. Hopefully things will go well. I will keep everyone updated!!

Have a GREAT Weekend!! and God Bless!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homecoming Week

So this has been a great week at school. This kids have been pretty wild but we have had lots of fun things going on. This is Homecoming week so each day has been a different "Spirit" day. The teachers and students have really gotten into it and everyone has had a great time participating.

I also gave my 1st reward party. My 5th period History class is all 8th grade girls and they are amazing! They always get their work done and make my life more enjoyable. So to reward them, we had an Italian lunch on Wednesday. We were studying Italy in history so we decided to incorporate that theme into our cuisine. The girls went above and beyond with the food they cooked and it was amazing! I enjoy being able to reward my students for good work and good behavior. This has also made my all boys class want to step up and act better so that they can get rewarded.

Other news:
It has been extremely hard for me to juggle teaching so many different classes, extra curricular activities at school (my 8th grade students built a float for the Homecoming parade and since I am and 8th grade sponser I have been helping them), my husband and son, housework and college work. I stay extremely wore out the majority of the time but I am keeping my head up and looking forward to the reward in the end. I know having my Masters is going to make it all worth while. I have also fallen in love with teaching and wouldn't trade this profession for the world. It honestly doesn't seem like work when I wake up every morning. I truley enjoy spending time with my students and knowing that I am making a difference in their lives. 

Anyways, hope all who read this have a fabulous weekend!!